Sunday, July 29, 2007

Work and play.

I finally got back to work yesterday. That big pile of photocopies from the YMCA archives in Minneapolis has been calling my name for months. And so I started reading. And it's fun stuff. Learning lots and slowly (very slowly) making my way through it all. I keep changing my mind about what my dissertation will be about, and what my chapters will be. Now I'm also thinking I may have to do more research after this summer. Eek! But I'll worry about that later. I need to plow through and come up with a dissertation rationale and chapter outline soon. Everything else can wait.

Tonight, though, I will put the paper aside and head down to Sneaky Dee's to see PB perform. He is quite excited about it. I haven't seen him in over a week now---not usually unusual, but unusual coming off a week of lots of time spent with him. A few of us will go together. Should be fun!

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