Saturday, January 26, 2008

Non-indie weekend.

I haven't been out to a show in a week now. I've had a rather tiring week of meetings and lectures and other commitments that saw me on campus every day this past week save for Monday. I futzed around on Wednesday after my office hours because I was tired and unhappy, but otherwise just couldn't have done much work on my dissertation no matter how good my intentions. But that's what next week will be for: I'm off to Ottawa tomorrow to house- and dog-sit for my parents. And there will be very little else to do but think about my dead guys. Hopefully I will be productive.

Last night I was really not in the mood to go out. I might have gone to the show at Rancho, but decided to stay in, drink wine, make and eat banana break, have cheese and chips, and watch TV and gossip with JH and CS. It was excellent. Pyjamas are one of my favourite things in the whole wide world. Mmmm, banana bread.

This afternoon I went with CS to a rally at a nearby church in support of US war resisters and their attempts to stay in Canada as refugees. This is not something I would normally do, but we had our reasons for going, and it ended up being rather interesting and definitely a learning experience. MB would have appreciated the sociological aspect of it. Lots of old white people who remembered Vietnam, and lots of younger social-activist types. So now I've been to one of these things. I doubt I'll go again. I fully approve of this kind of event and support their political/social agendas in at least a general way, but I just can't see the world/issues in the way that activists do. So carry on but don't expect to see me again.

After the rally and mailing our letters to the House of Commons, CS and I went for a late brunch at By The Way Cafe on Bloor, and it was yummy. We then did some shopping/ran errands, and came home and did some more. A productive day non-work wise.

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