Monday, September 03, 2007

So long summer.

I skipped out on brunch today to stay home and get some work done. Woke up this morning thinking about my dissertation, so figured it was good to go with that theme. But of course although I have managed to get some things done, I've also spent a lot of time chatting with people (online), running school errands (on e-mail) and reading the internet. But this is just how it goes, so I should get over it. And, if I had gone out, I'd still have work and errands. [End self-justification of not going out and staying in to work but not working as hard as I might have now.]

Later today I am off to HD's for tea and then to a magic show. Very much looking forward to the show. It should be a blast!

I got a bit of work done Saturday and Sunday, but mostly lazed about. Last night I went downtown and met up with PB and CG2 for Sunday Night Live. I'd never been before, and figured I should go take in this particular part of the Toronto cultural scene. It was fun---moderately to pretty funny most of the time---and then we three and the gorgeous other half of PB's band we're scared went to Sneaky Dee's for beer and nachos. It was an early night, and though I made an attempt at work afterwards, I think I only managed to read 20 pages in an hour and a half. Either the Vietnam War is incredibly boring, or 1am is not the best time to read for school. I really need to get myself a routine that works, especially if I want to keep going out. Which I do. Because it's fun.

At the moment I am somewhat unimpressed with myself. But soon I won't have time to think about such things. School---Massey responsibilities, conference organizing, various regular meetings, TAing, and producing things for my dissertation committee---starts up this week.

Farewell summer 2007. It's been fun!

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