Sunday, February 25, 2007

A day at the National Gallery.

Today I spent 5 and a half hours walking around the National Gallery. It was excellent. I plonked down 5pounds for an audio guide and a donation, and off I went. I didn't have as much fun as yesterday, mind you, but this is a great gallery. I saw a whole lot of old, famous paintings. And I learned some things about them, too! I was going to hit up the National Portrait Gallery, which is in the same building, but I ran out of time. In fact, I even missed an entire wing of the gallery---the paintings and sculptures done between 1200 and 1500---and I missed a few rooms of the more recent stuff. Ah well. It just means I'll have to go back when I'm in London next.

Tomorrow I'm going to see about finding me a pasty to eat before packing up and heading home to Toronto!

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