I realized this morning that the landlord got white paint on the artwork in the bathroom. As in, when he was painting the walls, instead of taking the artwork (plaqued pieces) off the walls, he's just painted around them . . . and on them. What an asshole. I can't even believe it. He really is not a nice man. No wonder this place is falling apart. He just doesn't care.
But there wasn't time to dwell on how disappointed I am with him, since I had a lovely brunch with SA at Kilgour's, probably my favourite spot for breakfast. The day's been bright and warm so far, and the place wasn't crowded, and people are out enjoying themselves.
Last night was a blast. I met up with BC for a quick drink, then we went off and attempted to find a theatre, the address of which he'd neglected to write down/remember, nor did he even know the name of the place. We eventually found it, but were late. The sign of the door read "Absolutely no latecomers admitted." Oops. But we were brought in during a scene change by one of the actors. I don't know what the play was called, but it was just fine. I hadn't been to the theatre in Toronto, so it was cool to go.
This blog post is a bit disjointed.
After the play, since it was still early, we biked to the Embassy for a beer---which turned into two beers for me---and, well, I ended up drunk. Embarrassing, but I think probably entertaining for BC, and MB and JH who showed up there too. As I sobered up (on lots of water) we went to the Boat for Yacht Rock. That was a blast and a half. Ridiculous fun. Dance historian EW was there too, and she had a great time.
I need to write a conference paper today. It probably won't get done. Meh.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Is summer here now?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Chapter submitted!
I finally e-mailed a my first chapter to my supervisor. It's a draft, and I know there are some problems with it, but I decided it was done (enough) and I was going to stop obsessing over it. So yay!
Wednesday involved a late lunch to celebrate JH's big presentation. MB and I took her to Thai Basil, and had a great time! The food was excellent. (For what you pay.) Afterwards, I came home, only to have CS return home a few minutes later and announce that we were going to the Victory Cafe for drinks with historians. And so doing that took up many more hours of my day. It was great fun, though. But this is how I manage to not get any work done during the day. When we finally made it home (not too late---it was 10:30pm), I ended up finishing reading my supervisor's latest book. It was thus not until Thursday that I finished the chapter.And after I did that, I figured I needed a break (ha! not so much), and went for dinner with CS, LS, and a prof of ours. Lovely time; I ate a ton. Then it was off to Rancho Relaxo for Zygiella 4. The show was good fun. All the performers/bands were entertaining. I especially liked Fleece Elves. It was a bit of a different crowd: a couple of the bands had drawn somewhat of a frat-boy/girl audience. [The photo of me watching Fleece Elves was taken by Pete Nema.]
The bathroom ceiling is now fixed and painted. It only took the landlord two days (including 5 hours yesterday) to do it. I was annoyed with him yesterday. He gave me attitude when, after nearly 5 hours of him being in there, I had to ask him to leave so I could go pee. What a jerk.
But I'm over that now. It's Friday and I'm in a good mood.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ok, so I no longer dislike the Horseshoe Tavern.
I've been doing some work, and running some errands, and meeting up with friends for the past few days. Sunday night I went to Gather Round at the Boat. HTC was entertaining as usual. Monday, dim sum with RN. Tuesday, lunch with EW, and at night I went to the Horseshoe to see/hear The i Spies and Les Gars. Glad to have seen them both . . . but especially Les Gars. Wow, what an awesome band. And this was their first show, apparently. The threesome was excellent. The i Spies are an attractive bunch, and put on a good show. Their music doesn't blow my mind, but it was a good set, and I enjoyed myself. And although I've been down on the Horseshoe before, last night I rather liked the venue, I've gotta say. The crowd wasn't too big, it was easy to get there on my bike, the show was free, and although I didn't expect to see anyone I knew, there were a handful of friends there to talk to. So, fun!
This morning I felt dreadful and threw up I don't know what. But went back to bed and am feeling much better. I have no idea what the problem was. But it meant I had to miss out on a reading group meeting, which is unfortunate. The papers were interesting, and I would have benefited from the discussion, I'm sure. Sigh.
Today I'm going to finish my chapter. This is it: I'm sick of the thing not being done.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The podcast is up!
Find the podcast I did with Tyler from Zygiella here.
Let me know what you think . . . it's the first one . . . eeeep.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Indie Music 37.
Like this list? Join my Google Group to get my weekly Toronto indie music listings.
Welcome to my weekly roundup of inexpensive indie(ish) musical happenings in downtown Toronto. I try to list as many shows here as I know about, though with a preference for listing those happening at venues I especially like, or featuring performers I know something about. This list is thus not comprehensive. In addition, I rarely list shows that cost $10 or more, and never ones that require advance ticket purchases. If I'm missing something or you have any comments, let me know.
I had a calm week, for the most part, music-wise. Went to the Tranzac front room Tuesday evening to hear Keith Hamilton and Brad Casey. 'twas lovely. On Friday some friends and I checked out dance parties at College and Bathurst. Come Saturday, my bathroom ceiling and leaking, and the landlord kept not coming. I was annoyed and not feeling like going out, not knowing what I'd come home to.
This week there's lots to do, as always. Although I've been going to shows twice a week (often more) for many months now, I'm still finding new, fun, interesting, inspiring things to hear and see on a regular basis. To celebrate this, Tyler Wade and I are starting a podcast to accompany these listings each week. You can take a listen to it here. (It might not be there yet.)
MONDAY (26 may)
Reiner Schwarz ("public practice") w/ Steve Whitehouse, Paul Teglas, and others @ The Gladstone Art Bar, 7:30pm, pwyc.
Angela Bower @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7pm, pwyc.
Elvis Mondays presents Purr, Allie Hughes, My Flea Circus, National Exit Strategy, Synthetic Folk Hero, and The People of Canada @ The Drake Underground, 9pm, free.
Groovy Mondays feat. Doug MacEachern and Ben Sures @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm, pwyc.
Marsupial Mondays presents Michael Laderoute and Jack Marks @ Tranzac (Tiki Room), 9pm, $5.
Deadbeat Dads, That's What He Said, The Flyboys, and Sara Labadie @ Smiling Buddha, 9pm, $3.
Action City Blackout, The Blacknines, and Diemonds @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
Talent Mondays hosted by Linsday Ferguson, feat. Dave Carmichael, Amy Campbell, and Andrew Vincent @ Supermarket, 9pm, $10.
Helio Sequence @ 10:30 w/ Gravity Wave @ 9:15. The Horseshoe Tavern, $10 (adv, or $12 door). (Yes, this listing breaks my own rules.)
TUESDAY (27 may)
Jenny Allen & friends @ The Gladstone Melody Bar, 7pm, free.
Toronto Folk Singers Society @ Tranzac (Tiki Room), 7pm, pwyc.
Ken Macdonald Quartet and From Downtown @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
Antler and Nicole Christian @ Not My Dog, 10pm, pwyc.
* The Edge 102.1 Dave Bookman's Nu Music Nite feat. Hue @ 11:40, Les Gars @ 10:50, The i Spies @ 10:00, and Everything All the Time @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, free.
Drumheller @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
Charlotte Cornfield and Beth Moore @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, pwyc.
Pink and Black presents Hollywood Swank, Rehab for Quitters, Worst Case Ontario @ The Bovine, 9pm, free.
Sketch Songwriters Series @ Free Times Cafe.
WEDNESDAY (28 may)
Several good, interesting shows on tonight. Depending on your mood, go to Czehoski, Tranzac, Sneaks, or the Boat, and probably other places. But I have no opinions on the other things happening.
Baby Eagle @ Czehoski, 10pm, free.
Chris Warren & Band @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
Andre Ethier, Adam Cotton, and Wyrd Visions @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
Rock for Renewables presents Key Witness, Still Life Still, Harvest Chant, and Honest I's @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, pwyc. Cool.
LAUGHstock presents Tonnn, Whiskey Priest, and The Veil @ Tiger Bar, 9pm, $5.
Pitter Patter Nights presents Metz, Women, and Mt. Royal @ The Boat, 9pm, $5. If you missed Wavelength last week, you can catch most of the same bands here.
New Music Night feat. Animal Clinic, Di Thomas, and Miss Scarlett @ Clinton's, 7:30pm, $5.
Make Your Exit w/ Minotaur @ The Rivoli, 10pm, $5.
Friends of the Family @ Free Times Cafe, 9pm, pwyc.
Diana Z w/ Brian Moniz and Jeremy Smith @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 10pm, pwyc.
Elana Harte (of VSH) and Jacob & Lily @ C'est What, 10pm, $7.
Toronto Independent Music Awards Showcase feat. Noella Choi w/ Emma Cook, Signe Miranda, Mike Celia, whosarmy, and W!islow @ Annex Wreck Room, 7pm, $7.
Birds of Wales, These Three Cities, and the Last True Gentleman @ Tattoo Rock Parlour, 8pm, $8.
THURSDAY (29 may)
Chris Assaad @ Yonge-Dundas Square, noon, free. This is a kick-off thing for the Street Kids International charity event.
Laura Hubert Trio @ The Gladstone Melody Bar, 7pm, free.
Stalingrad (CD release) w/ Surefire Machine and Antitheory @ Velvet Underground, 8pm, free.
The Lucas Stagg Band, Guitar Bomb, and Miwa Gemini @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, pwyc.
John Russon Quintet @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
The Kate Rogers Band @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
Tamara Miller and tba @ Smiling Buddha, 9pm.
Justin Plet w/ Lara Martin and Patrick Ballantyne @ Free Times Cafe, 8:30pm, $5.
Pitter Patter Nights presents Maniac, Sailboats Are White, and CATL @ The Boat, 9pm, $5.
High Art for the Low Down presents Bad Skin, Disgusting Body, U.T.I., and Shit Reign @ Tiger Bar, 8pm, $5.
Loud & Heavy feat. Azenith @ 11:15, Amarith @ 10:15, and Ghost Of Calico @ 9:15. Lee's Palace, $5.
Adam Faux & the Exploding Band w/ Jacob Moon @ The Central, 9:30pm.
National Tragedy, ep. 1 feat. Brown Bird, St. Clair, The Youngest, Wolfcow @ Renaissance Cafe, pwyc. This is a new live music series.
Black Collar Thursdays feat. Steve Hill and Chameleonize w/ DJ Stu Dead of Playdead @ The Bovine, 9pm, $6.
Zygiella.com IV presents w/ Howl, Hungry Lake, Fleece Elves, and The Paint Movement @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $5. I'll be here to see bands I have yet to see.
Machetes w/ Shitt Hottt, Dead Sexy Sheila and DJ Dougie Boom @ The Silver Dollar, $7. Machetes' debut show saw them open for Woodhands a while back, and they impressed us. Shitt Hottt is another (mostly) female band that knows how to rock out. This should be a good party.
Jon Rae Fletcher @ 11:15, Great Bloomers @ 10:15, and Alphabday @ 9:15. $8. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, $8.
Bigideas w/ In Its Wakes, October Sky, and Turn Off The Stars @ The Rivoli, 9pm, $5.
Ken Tizzard (CD release) w/ NLX @ Supermarket, 9pm.
Hammersmith: Forgers of Metal (CD release) w/ tba @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm.
Meg-A-Music and IndieCan Radio Birthday Bash II feat. Photocell, The Jon Cohen Experimental, and Drowning Girl @ Tattoo Rock Parlour, 8pm, $8.
No Bra w/ Bruce Labruce (films) @ The Beaver, 11pm, $10/pwyc.
The Northdale Concert Band @ El Mocambo, 7:30pm, $10.
elZOO presents Pre-NXNE Bash feat. Brown Brigade, The Isosceles Project, and ADA @ El Mocambo (both levels), 9pm, $10 (or free with NXNE wristband). There will be art on display, and you can buy a wristband for $29 at the venue. NXNE is happening 12-14 June at lots of venues around town.
Eric Chenaux (CD release) and Ryan Driver (CD release) @ Wrongbar, 9:30pm, $10. I saw these guys do a parred-down in-store at Soundscapes last Friday. It was good. I especially liked Eric Chenaux's folky-funky-electro sound. It made me smile.
FRIDAY (30 may)
Golden Girls w/ TMDP and Mr. Furious @ 751 Queen W., free. The Foolish Things @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 5pm, free.
Arlene Bishop and The Book of Gnomes @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, pwyc.
Bob Snider and Erika Werry @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
Purple Hill and Andy Swan @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
The Lower Town Trio, The Goddamn Goddamns, and R.I.P. @ Smiling Buddha, 9pm, $7.
Aitch, Jordan Faye, and tba @ Free Times Cafe, 8:30pm, $5.
Raclones @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 10pm.
Film Jam 9 feat. Automatic City, Oriana, Two Scoops, The Lovely Killbots, and Robert Desmond Band w/ DJ Melo @ El Mocambo (Upstairs), 8pm, $10 (or $8 w/ canned food).
* Steam Whistle Unsigned 6 presents Gravity Wave, Bocce, and Hexes & Ohs w/ DJs OPOPO @ Steam Whistle Brewing, 9pm, $5. Dance, drink Steam Whistle, and have lots of fun. It's worth the trek out to 255 Bremner Blvd.
My Shaky Jane, Black Hat Brigade (EP release), Oh No Forest Fires, and The Darcys @ Silver Dollar, 9pm, $6. Good indie rock lineup! ONFF is a newish band that's been getting some good press and playing great shows over the past several months.
Tripping Hazard 3rd Anniversary Show w/ Cursed Arrows, Personal Circus, and The Micronite Filters @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $6 or pwyc. Another good rock show, I'd bet.
Ground Level and Days Left w/ DJ sets by the Darth Virgos AL911 & Billy Geek @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
Ben Sures, Rhonda Stakich, and Kerri Ough @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 7pm.
The Edge 102.1 Next Big Thing presents Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker w/ Rebel Emergency, Ruby Coast, and The Mission District @ Sound Academy, 8pm, free if you "win" tickets. Get them here. I have no opinions on the first two bands listed, but the last two are good. Especially Ruby Coast. Those kids are great.
Random Order w/ John Wayne, Tres, The Hobo Homos, and Coco La Creme @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $10.
SATURDAY (31 may)
Bill Colgate et al. @ The Dominion on Queen, 4pm, pwyc.
New Music Arts Projects presents Music for 6008 Spokes @ Track field, King Edward PS (112 Lippincott), 3pm. More info here. Cool. Got a bike?
Alex Lukashevsky w/ Aki Takahashi & Jessica Stuart @ The Music Gallery (Outdoor Courtyard), 3:30-7pm, free.
Extermination Music Night VII feat. Lullabye Arkestra, The Walter Haul, Tropics, LSDoubleDCup w/ arty stuff and performances @ Symes Transfer Station (kinda), midnight, pwyc. Bring a flashlight.
Cindy Doire, Ryan Bishops, and Andrea Ramolo (w/ Sean Pinchin) @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm, pwyc.
The Horables @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 6pm, pwyc.
Max Woolaver @ Free Times Cafe.
Saint Dirt Elementary School @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc. These guys will be playing here 4 times in June too, so lots of chances to see them.
Skull Fist, Sonic Shock, and The Dead Hookers @ Baby Dolls (the stripclub), 10pm, $5.
Vincat w/ PDF Format and Great Lenin's Ghost @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $6. For something a bit indie-different.
Kensington Station feat. Put the Rifle Down (10:30pm set) and DJs Lawrence and Shit la Merde @ Neutral, 10pm, $6.
ARC, Holoscene, Tunturia, Proeliis Fere, and Thee 9am Social @ Siesta Nouveaux (15 Lower Sherbourne), 7pm, $6. Also for something a bit indie-different, but in a different way.
Five Star Trailer Park (CD release) w/ Beth in Battle Mode and Adam Faux @ The Rivoli, 8:30pm, $8. I kinda love BiBM a lot. They are playing second; don't miss them!
Karen Kosowski w/ Rozalind MacPhail and Danielle French @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 10pm, $7. The three of them are also doing an in-store at the Chapters on John St. on Friday at 7pm, free.
Never More Than Less and Minority w/ DJ Vania @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
Barn Burner, Our Father, Great Bloomers (?) and Deloro @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $5.
SUNDAY (1 jun)
Lazy Sunday Matinee w/ Alex Lukashevsky @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 2:30pm, pwyc.
Prodigal Sundays feat. The Backstabbers @ The Gladstone Melody Bar, 5pm, free.
Annabelle Chvostek (Wailin' Jennys) @ The Gladstone Melody Bar, 9pm, free.
Liam Parker @ Free Times Cafe.
* Michael Holt presents I Love Music! feat. The Michael Holt Ensemble @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 5pm, pwyc. This sounds amazing.
Gather Round feat. Hamilton Trading Co. w/ Play Guitar, Todd Aalgaard, and Miles Kennedy @ The Boat, 9pm, pwyc.
Brad Casey, Yawd Sylvester, and Jack Marks @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, pwyc.
* Wavelength 415 feat. No Gold, The Youngest, and International Falls @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, pwyc.
The WoodChoppers Association @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10:30pm, pwyc.
New Music Arts Projects presents Acoustic Gambol: Chamber Music for Found Objects @ The Music Gallery, 4:30pm, $10 (students, more for others).
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My bathroom ceiling is dripping.
The ceiling of my bathroom has water dripping through it. It's been dripping through since about 4am on Saturday. It's now 20 hours later. I called the landlord Saturday afternoon and left a message. He was definitely around today, but for some reason never came (when I was home, at least). So here I sit, hearing water drip into various buckets and bowls, and hope the ceiling doesn't fall on my head the next time I have to go. There wasn't anything I particularly wanted to do tonight, so I probably would have stayed in no matter what. But I had hoped the landlord would show up and attempt to do something about the problem.
I'll have to call him Sunday morning and make him understand that he need to come. It's really hard to communicate with him because his English is not good. He can hardly speak, and I don't know that he really understands me all that well. I generally like him, but the ceiling in the bathroom has been a problem for months, and now this. I don't know what's happening up there, but it can't be good. In the meantime, I've had to warn my Sunday brunch-mate that I might have to cancel on her.
Damn landlord! I need to move.
Last night MB, JH, and I checked out a couple dance parties at College/Bathurst. Sneaky Dee's was packed and full of characters, but when Shit la Merde wasn't DJing, there was really no point being there. Tiger Bar was mostly uninspiring. There needed to be a different crowd out. Meh, we had a good time. There were good people about.
Today I went to Kensington Market to hang out with KH and BC. Had a lovely time. Rode my bike. And came home and took a nap. To dripping water.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Biker Jen.
Today I picked up my new (used) bike and rode it home from Kensington. It was fun! I'm not sure where I'm going to store the thing at home, but hopefully that will get sorted out soon. It's not feasible to bring it up to my balcony at night, since it's kinda large and there are lots of doors and stairs and twists and turns to deal with. But other than that, everything's good.
This evening CS and I along with LS had a lovely dinner at Sushi on Bloor . . . which is totally a better place than New Gen. We lingered and shopped at BMV Books, then walked home. Since then I've been working a bit on my listings, but mostly thinking about which bands and artists I would like to feature on the podcast. Crazy.
And now I'm making progress on the dissertation. I want to finish my first chapter (for now) and send it to my supervisor by the end of the weekend. I need to get to work on my conference paper due in about a week.
Life's good, as usual.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I bought a bike!
Yeah, I didn't have one up to now. (Actually, I pick it up Thursday afternoon.) It's been about 9 and a half years since I've been on a bike, so Wednesday afternoon was a bit iffy . . . but I tried out three, and it was easy. I ended up getting a second-hand bicycle at Bikes on Wheels in Kensington. It's a nice blue French city bike that should do the trick. With the legally-required lights and a bell, a new helmet, and a basket, it cost me nearly $350. But this will make life better, and will save me a bunch on transit over the course of the next few months. Assuming I use the thing, which I imagine I will. I don't know yet where I'll store it when I'm not riding it, though. Hmm.
I got home in the early evening and was tired so decided not to go to Lee's Palace to hear The Diableros. I'd wanted to, but there will be other chances. On better nights. Instead I stayed in and didn't get much accomplished. I talked with TW about our upcoming podcast, with a Masseyite who's taking over the lecture series, organized some stuff for a meeting Thursday afternoon, and did a bit of dissertating in the wee hours.
While I was waiting for MB in Kensington---he helped me a whole lot in my bike-purchasing---I went to the record store across the street from Bikes on Wheels. The day before I'd spotted a Michael Holt album, but didn't buy it then. Today I went back and bought it. (It being "Pilot Single," 2003.) What a lovely set of songs! I saw Michael perform one song at the El Mo before SSLYBY took the stage that evening. And then I saw him a few days later at Tranzac and we got to talking. I'll have to see him perform a proper set . . . and my chance is coming soon. His "I Love Music!" series is happening at the Tranzac Sunday afternoons in June.
Have I mentioned the podcast yet? I'm gonna do the first one on Sunday afternoon with TW from Zygiella. We'll see how it goes. It'll take off from my listings, and will feature a few tunes from bands playing shows in the coming week.
Tomorrow, the meeting, the bike, and hopefully the dissertation. Plus a sushi dinner with CS to celebrate her birthday.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Where have I been?
It's been a few days since I updated this blog.
Quickly: On Saturday, I went to Goin' Steady at the Boat, which was super fun. Lots of friends were there. On Sunday I had fajitas at Sneaks for dinner, and then headed upstairs for Wavelength, which was fantastic. I wore my new/old sweater. "There's a party on your sweater," commented one of my friends. Indeed. I'll have to post a photo of this thing at some point. On Monday I worked on my dissertation. I had every intention of working on it Tuesday too, but somehow that didn't happen. Instead, I skipped out on a meeting (but contributed my two cents by e-mail), went to look at bikes with MB, then we had dinner at Mount Everest Restaurant (yummy). Afterward we parted ways and I got to Tranzac in time to catch most of Keith Hamilton's solo set. It was lovely, but his songs are so sad! And then Brad Casey played, and I really liked his stuff too. A bit varied, and interesting, and beautiful at times. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and even had a glass of wine. I got to chat with RM too, whom I'd seen around before, but had never really had a chance to speak much to. So that was good. Finally, I joined some historian friends at the Victory Cafe, and got home past midnight.
I am now pretty tired. Yawn.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Indie Music 36.
Like this list? Join my Google Group to get my weekly Toronto indie music listings.
Welcome to my weekly roundup of inexpensive indie(ish) musical happenings in downtown Toronto. I try to list as many shows here as I know about, though with a preference for listing those happening at venues I especially like, or featuring performers I know something about. This list is thus not comprehensive. In addition, I rarely list shows that cost $10 or more, and never ones that require advance ticket purchases. If I'm missing something or you have any comments, let me know.
I had a busy weekend. Thursday night was a No Shame show at the Drake, which was lovely; Friday saw me unexpectedly at the 84.85 show at Tiger Bar (electro hip hop), which was all kinds of fun; Saturday I went to Goin' Steady at the Boat; and then on Sunday did Wavelength. This coming week there are lots of good options. I'm finding myself going to too many of the same things, so I'm gonna try to mix it up a bit. Friday was totally different. I should do more things like that.
There's an open house at the Dundas West Arts Building (2466 Dundas St W) this week, Friday (6-10pm), Saturday (12-7pm), and Sunday (12-5pm). Admission is pwyc. From the website: "various artists living and working in the historic Dundas West Arts Building [will] open their personal studios to share their work with the public. This rare and exciting opportunity brings a casual atmosphere, which fosters a relationship between patrons and artists.
"The event features talented visual artists, musicians, and crafts persons, who showcase and sell their work, invite the audience to join in collaborations and provide free mini classes. Bring your friends and family, meet fellow artists, see great work and learn something new."
MONDAY (19 may)
Angela Bower @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7pm, pwyc.
* Elvis Mondays presents Purr, May-Jun, Atlas Eyes, and Dead Sexy Sheila @ The Drake Underground, 9pm, free. Go early and eat for free.
Shoeless Monday feat. Phil Divine @ 11:15, The Wrong Crowd @ 10:15, and Riverside @ 9:15. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, free.
Groovy Mondays feat. Eric Mattei (acoustic) and tba @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm, pwyc.
Marsupial Mondays presents Tania Gill (The Music of Carla Bley) and The Draperies @ Tranzac (Tiki Room), 9pm, $5.
Allie Hughes @ The Cameron House (Front Room), 7pm, and @ The Concord Cafe, 8pm.
Vapid w/ Reprobates, Disgusting Body (debut), and Critical Convictions @ Teranga.
Ben Kunder and The Careless (CD release) w/ Trevor Campbell, Matt Campbell, and Allie Hughes @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 9pm, $5.
Subtle w/ Laser Killenium and Atherton @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $10.
TUESDAY (20 may)
* Brad Casey and Keith Hamilton @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
The Edge 102.1 Dave Bookman's Nu Music Nite feat. Harm @ 11:40, The Spies @ 10:50, Craig Smith & The Saints @ 10:00, and Shiloh @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, free.
Paisley Jura and Romney Getty @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm, pwyc.
Pink and Black presents Downsview and The Labour Of @ The Bovine, 9pm, free.
Heather Chapelle and Howie Kislowicz @ Free Times Cafe, 8pm, free.
Jewish Legend, Huckleberry Friends, and The Creeping Nobodies w/ DJ Mikey Apples @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $5.
Thrones, Orcilim, Wyrd Visions, and Women In Tragedy @ The Boat, 9pm, $8 (adv, $10 door).
Killing For Friday w/ Assemble Me and tba @ Lee's Palace, 8pm, $5.
Nudie & the Turks (CD release) w/ The Brothers Cosmoline @ The Dakota Tavern, 10pm, $tba.
WEDNESDAY (21 may)
Toronto Blues Society presents Shakura S'Aida @ Yonge-Dundas Square, 12:30 pm, free.
Chris Warren & Band @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
Music for Spring presents Amy Honey and Selina Martin @ Czehoski, 9:30pm, free.
The Book of Gnomes w/ God's Gift to Yoda @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
Local Alternative feat. Dead Etiquette @ 11:40, Lust @ 10:50, Mass Conception @ 10:00, and Shannon Rose & The Thorns @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, $4.
Melanie Peterson, Deb Whalen, and Stamp Alive! @ Free Times Cafe, 8:30pm, $5. Melanie Peterson also plays at Slacks Thursday night at 9pm, free.
LAUGHstock presents Revolution Love, The Dank, and Left Of Zero @ Tiger Bar, 9pm, $5.
Pitter Patter Nights presents Arctic, Secret Japanese Girlfriend, and The City @ The Boat, 9pm, $5.
Jackfish River w/ A Fourth World and Japhy Rider @ The Rivoli, 8:30pm, $7.
aHigh Society, Johnny Dumptrucks, The Daily Times, and AMD @ Smiling Buddha, 8pm, $5.
Pants & Tie and Women @ The Drake Underground, 9pm, $5.
Rory Hinchey, Helen Carlson, Wolfcow, Anamorphic Heat, DJ Bong Jovi, and Zack Kouns @ The Gladstone Art Bar, 8pm, $5.
Michael Reinhart w/ Lee Whalen @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 8:30pm, $7.
I Refuse, Unrestrained, Rah, Hopeless Nation, and Against Our Will @ Rancho Relaxo, 8:30pm, $8.
Snowden, Colour Revolt, and The Diableros @ Lee's Palace, 8pm, $10.50.
Legion: DCLXIV, Busted Dawn, and Excarnation @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $5.
THURSDAY (22 may)
There's a lot of stuff to do tonight, stuff that I would do, if I could do more than one thing. Sometimes, when I can't decide between shows, I just take the night off. This could be one of those times.
The Harold Wartooth, The Big City Nights, The Flying Museum Band, and Andrew Fisher @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm, pwyc. Not necessarily my event of choice, but good.
Michael Holt w/ Tanya Philipovich @ Not My Dog, 9pm, pwyc. I gotta see Michael perform again.
Hundred Pound Head @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
Broken Bricks (acoustic), Luke James (Dirty Page), and Sintia @ Free Times Cafe, 8pm, $3.
The Midway State and We Are The Take @ Supermarket, 9pm, $5.
* Pitter Patter Nights presents Jason Kent & The Crystal Lake and David Picco & Jetset Motel @ The Boat, 9pm, $5. This looks interesting, and probably what I'd go to if I go out.
Collette Savard (CD release) w/ William & Polly, Richard Underhill, and Eve Goldberg @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 9pm, $tba.
Born to Busk (CD release) w/ Thee 9am Social and Proof of Ghosts @ Clinton's, 9pm, $5.
Local Alternative feat. Opus Road @ 11:40, Wax Mannequin @ 10:50, Square Root Of Margaret @ 10:00, Telegram @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, $7. Also looks interesting.
After the Weather, Monster America, Seven North, and Mechatema @ Smiling Buddha.
Donovan Woods & Band w/ Andrew Austin @ The Central, 8pm, $10.
The Skulls w/ Oklahoma Bomb Squad, Rik Cardiff (Daisy Face), and Dead Starlets @ The Rivoli, 9pm, $10.
Black Collar Thursdays feat. Latefallen (CD release) and Jar w/ DJ Stu Dead of Playdead @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
TWM presents Nightwood, The Books Elusive, and Tomboyfriend @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $5.
In Memory of David presents Toronto Party 4 Heart feat. Melissa Larkin, The Assistants, and Proxy Set w/ DJ Stretch & Glow @ El Mocambo (First Floor), 8pm, $7 (or $5 w/ canned good). Proceeds to the Heart & Stroke Foundation.
The B.A.D. Ride Kick Off Party w/ The Gary Kendall Band @ Silver Dollar 7pm.
Annelise Norhona, NLX, and Winhara @ C'est What, 10:30pm, $7.
FRIDAY (23 may)
* Eric Chenaux and Ryan Driver & the Skins (in-store) @ Soundscapes, 7pm, free.
Alun Piggins & The Quitters and Stephen Stanley & Carla MacNeil @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm, pwyc. The Quitters also play Thursday at the Dakota Tavern.
Jeff Alan Greenway and Tempting Murphy @ Free Times Cafe, 9pm, $7.
Joel Elliot (from Sailboats Are White; CD release) w/ Terror Lake, Ghost Hands, and Dwarf Star w/ DJ Senior Beatboxx @ The Press Club, 9pm, $5.
The Hunting Horns (CD release) w/ Rattlesnake Choir and Dan Gordon & The Sure Things @ Silver Dollar, 9pm, $tba.
TWM presents First Person Shooter, Organical, and Streetlight Light @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $5.
Ride to Rock: Benefit Concert to Help Fight Childhood Cancers feat. Playdeaf, Dutch Loving', and 3 Point One 4, w/ DJ Simmer Down @ El Mocambo (Upstairs), 9pm, $5.
Thundercats Launch Party w/ live set by Marienband @ Tiger Bar, 10pm, $5.
Place Hands (CD release) w/ Etaoin Shrdlu and Ancestors @ The Savannah Room, 9pm, $5. Bring earplugs! I recommend these: http://www.earlove.net.
Teenage X and The Weirdies w/ DJ sets by the Darth Virgos AL911 & Billy Geek @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
Arkana Music and Parkdale Revolutionary Orchestra @ Concord Cafe, 9pm, $7.
The Dress Whites, Young Flux, and Red Yellow Green @ The Drake Underground, 8pm (early show), $5. The Dress Whites have been recommended to me.
* Pop with Brains 15 w/ Fox Jaws, The Miles, Pink Dead Whale, Invasions, and The Schomberg Fair @ The Rivoli, 9pm, $5. Proceeds to the CAMH. Several good bands. The last time I went to the Rivoli, it was incredibly loud. So make sure to bring earplugs to this, too. In fact, always bring earplugs, just in case.
The State of Things, The Disraelis, and Black Night Crash @ Clinton's, 9:30pm, $5.
Alternative Rock N Roll feat. Scobo @ 12:30, King Clancy @ 11:30 (CD release), The Strugglefish @ 10:30, and Secret Suburbia @ 9:30. The Horseshoe Tavern, $8.
SATURDAY (24 may)
Another night will lots of decent events. Hard to choose. Depending on my mood, I could be happy at any of them.
The DoneFors w/ Miss Emily Brown @ Not My Dog, 9pm, pwyc.
Pitter Patter Nights presents Carlos Antenna @ Tiger Bar, 10pm, $5.
Nastymix presents Paul Devro w/ St Mandrew and Nasty Nav @ Wrongbar, 10pm, $5 (before 11pm).
Maximum RnR, Diablo Redd, and Kill Sid @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $6.66
Tradition, Prints Nifty (Nif-D, etc.), Broken Tree Fort, and Invisibles @ Keep Six Gallery, 9pm, $8.
CaMp CoMbO w/ mentalist Mysterion and Alistair Christl & his Swingin' Chandeliers @ Cameron House (Back Room), $10.
Alternative Rock N Roll feat. Virtue & Vice @ 12:30, Hello Beautiful @ 11:30, Rockafellers @ 10:30, and Stone River @ 9:30. The Horseshoe Tavern, $6.
The Jerome Godboo Band @ Silver Dollar, 9:30pm, $10.
Fidget and The First Time w/ DJ Vania @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
8th Annual Bob Dylan Tribute feat. Noah Zacharin, Soles Mojo,Brooke Harris, Alistair Christl, Shawn Clarke, and special guests @ Free Times Cafe, 8pm, $5.
Laura Veirs w/ Liam Finn @ El Mocambo (First Floor), 9pm, $10.
Karma Coop & Welobike Fundraiser feat. The Bag Ladies, Falling Trees, The Flying Museum Band, Barn Owl, Michael L. Johnson, and Basement Arms @ El Mocambo (Upstairs), 9pm, $8. Basement Arms is something else.
Hotboxxx presents The Alco Beat, Joel Lightman Band, William The Conqueror, and These Three Cities @ The Rivoli, 8pm, $10.
SUNDAY (25 may)
This is the first Pedestrian Sunday of the year in Kensington Market. There will be music, including a matinee (3-6pm) @ Graffiti's by The Royal Crowns, and then bands playing on the northern part of Augusta at 7pm (GUH) and 9pm (tba).
Lazy Sunday Matinee w/ Victor Bateman @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 2:30pm, pwyc.
Alicia Isenor, Lindsay Elvie, Nicki Wales, Haley Zalesky, and Rayelle Stainton, hosted by Bob Battams @ Free Times Café, 7:30pm, pwyc.
My Morning Jacket Listening Party w/ Hamilton Trading Co. @ The Boat, 9pm, pwyc.
Wavelength 414 feat. The Dead Science, Mt. Royal, and Women (from Alberta) w/ DJ Lidi @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, pwyc.
Steamboat w/ Emilie Mover @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10:30pm, pwyc.
Justin Townes Earle w/ Lindi Ortega @ The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, $9 (adv, $10 door).
The Music Gallery and zoilus.com present Concrete Toronto Music @ Polish Combatants Hall (206 Beverly St.), 7pm, $10 (for students, more for others).
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Mid-weekend recap.
Lots of things to report.
Thursday afternoon/early evening MB and I had a ridiculously expensive and good meal at a Lebanese place on Yonge north of Davisville. Worth it . . . I think. Yummy. That night I went solo to the Drake for a No Shame show with banjos and guitars and singing and other good musical stuff. The performers were Nils Edenloff from the Rural Alberta Advantage (lovely, in a manly sort of way), the Weather Station, and Old Man Ludecke. The crowd was a good size and fairly varied, with everyone seemingly in a good mood. A nice evening, for sure.
Friday was taken up with errands and then an early dinner to celebrate some friends who passed their exams and leaving town. It was a great time with more good food. Afterward, MB and I eventually made our way to Tiger Bar, but with brief stops at Sweaty Betty's, the Boat (lined up for a bit), Sneaky Dee's (looked lame), and Rancho Relaxo beforehand. We were promised electro hip hop at Tiger Bar, and were no disappointed by 84.85. It was high energy and the place had a really good vibe to it by 1am when everyone showed up. KH stopped by for a bit---we hadn't seen each other in a few weeks---and then I was home just past 2am.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Finished (almost)!
Geez, Louise. What a crappy bunch. Anyways, grading is done and summer is now pretty much here! Now all I have to is go to a few meetings next week, do a report (with some other people), and dance for joy that the academic year 2007-08 is done. FINALLY.
I don't think I'm gonna TA next year. This will mean more dipping into the savings than planned, but fuck it I HATE the idea of TAing. I now have plenty of non-school things to keep myself busy when I don't feel like dissertating.
Oh, dissertating. Right, that. Should get on that too. Have a chapter to finish.
3 to go, and 4 nights of fun ahead.
Just three more exams to grade. And then it's all over. Thank goodness.
Thursday: dinner with some friends, then No Shame at the Drake.
Friday: maybe a show, and probably a party too.
Saturday: Goin' Steady at the Boat.
Sunday: Dinner and then Wavelength at Sneaks.
So much fun times ahead. I can hardly wait!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Grading is making me stoopit.
I have about 20 more final exams to grade. They are absolutely dreadful. The worst I've ever seen. I blame the kids for not coming prepared, but I also blame the professor for clearly not teaching them a damn thing and writing an exam question that makes it easy for students to not do the right thing. I have been doing this for a day, and I just don't know what else to say. Terrible.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Rancho is the best place.
I spent the majority of my weekend out at Rancho Relaxo. And what fun I had! Rancho Relaxo is most definitely the best place to consistently see live indie bands on weekend nights. The venue has a great vibe, in large part due to the crowd Dan Wolovick brings out to check out the great bands he books. (The women's bathroom is in need of an overhaul, but it's generally clean, so I'll deal.)
On Saturday I started off at the Drake, for a No Shame show featuring The Sleepless Nights (from Halifax) and The Details (Winnipeg). I'd heard really good things about the first act, and they were just fine. Some songs I got into more than others. But not bad at all for an opening act. I wouldn't mind seeing them again the next time they're in town. The second band on the bill was one I've seen a few times before, and I still think they are great. The Details put on a heart-felt set and have a great sound and good intensity on stage. There weren't that many people paying attention, but those of us who were got treated to something special, IMHO. I stupidly did not have enough cash with me to get a CD from them, though MB loaned me enough for a T-shirt. (And as well he should have: it was his suggestion that I get one.)
It was then time for LS and I to taxi it over to Rancho, leaving MB to bike over to Wrongbar to check out the dance party happening there. We came in time to catch most of Mark Berube & the Patriotic Few's amazing set. Whoa. What a find that group is. I would have been happy no matter the music on offer---lots of people for me to talk to---but Berube was an awesome bonus. Next up, The Schomberg Fair, followed by Tin Bangs. Both bands rocked it hard, as usual. MB walked in partway through the Fair's set, and he and I along with BS occupied the front row. That's the dancin' row. Fun times. These guys work so hard, and thought it was nearly 2am by the time Tin Bangs finished up, there was still a healthy crowd about. A successful evening!
But things weren't over. MB, BS, and SC walked to Sneaky Dee's to catch the last bit of the dance party going on there, and in hopes of seeing the members of The Details, who were indeed there. There was more chatting, and then pizza at Massimo's. Another epic Toronto night. I predict there will be more to come, especially now that the weather is good.
I think I need a bike. Thoughts?
Indie Music 35.
Like this list? Join my Google Group to get my weekly Toronto indie music listings.
Last week I saved up my energy for two late nights at Rancho Relaxo, to celebrate TWM's 1-year anniversary and see 6 great bands and lots of musicians and show-goers out in support. There was also time to catch The Sleepless Nights (Halifax) and The Details (Winnipeg) at the Drake Saturday night. This week I'm going to see bands I haven't yet. This is how one discovers new music.
Clearly there are lots of venues that never (or hardly ever) make it on this list. I tend not to list residencies---there are too many---and skip out on good places like the Dakota Tavern just because I can't get up the energy to list stuff that happens there. There's lots to do, and if you don't see anything you like on my list, there's still a whole lot more things to do. Check the local weeklies for more suggestions.
MONDAY (12 may)
Angela Bower @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7pm, pwyc.
* Elvis Mondays presents Leif Vollebekk, Broomfiller, and more @ The Drake Underground, 9pm, free. I was introduced to Leif Vollebekk at a No Shame show, and oh my he made an impression. His set was magical. Let's hope he's got CDs with him this time around.
Shoeless Monday feat. Earth Tone @ 11:15, Murder City Sparrows @ 10:15, and Nathan Carrol @ 9:15. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, free.
Groovy Mondays feat. Matt Epp and Trevor Caswell @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm, pwyc.
Marsupial Mondays presented by Eric Chenaux feat. Kelly Hood and The Allison Cameron Band @ Tranzac (Tiki Room), 9pm, $5.
Quartet Abstract w/ Robin Jessome and Eiderdown @ Smiling Buddha, 8:30pm, $5.
TUESDAY (13 may)
The Edge 102.1 Dave Bookman's Nu Music Nite feat. The Killin' Time Band @ 11:40, Mardeen @ 10:50, Craig Smith & The Saints @ 10:00, and Danielle Duval @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, free. Mardeen are playing all over town this week.
Ronley Teper's Lipliners (2 sets) @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm & 11:30pm, pwyc.
Ann Chaplin, Sarah Burton, and Jesse Labelle @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm, pwyc.
Pink and Black presents El Riot, Nikkis Trick, and Proposterous @ The Bovine, 9pm, free.
CaMp CoMbO @ Gladstone Hotel (Melody Room), 9pm, pwyc.
An Evening of Short Films & Music feat. "The Door" (8:15pm), "The Boy and His Wolf" (9:30pm), and performances by Kansas City Shuffle, Lee Serviss, and Glory Glory Hallelujah @ Supermarket, 7pm, free.
The Elephant, Adi, Retro Radio, and Gusto Basketcase @ Not My Dog, 9pm.
WEDNESDAY (14 may)
Valery Gore @ Young-Dundas Square, 12:30pm, free.
Chris Warren & Band w/ Erika Werry @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
Superliminal Sound feat. John Kameel Farah and MN-L w/ DJing and dub effects by Babylon Telecom @ IV Lounge (326 Dundas St. W), 9pm, pwyc.
Tundra Fun and The Ory No'man Too @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
Local Alternative feat. Prodigal Suns @ 11:40, Zabeth D’Kos @ 10:40, Monday Rose @ 10:00, Shadows In Red @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, $4.
LAUGHstock presents Hushmoney, Fin, and Alphabot! @ Tiger Bar, 9pm, $5.
* Pitter Patter Nights presents Sleep The Season, Ministry Of The Environment, and Save September w/ James Kelly @ The Boat, 9pm, $5.
Music for Spring feat. Chris Brown @ Czehoski, 10pm. I haven't been listings these shows. Oops.
Lindi Ortega w/ Robert Hedge @ Supermarket, 9pm, $5.
Hand Solo Records presents Hokey Religions & Ancient Weapons (mix tape release) feat. Wordburglar, More or Les, Red Ants, Noah 23, Royce Birth, Brockway Biggs, and Mr. Quibble @ The Rivoli, 9pm, $5.
* Nif-D w/ Tropics and Animal Monster @ The Drake Underground, 9pm, $5. I have a sense this will be a good, interesting show.
iMachination, May-Jun, and Kid Metropolis @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $5.
Cure Gravity, Kessell Run, and Red Roses Black @ Tattoo Rock Parlour, 9pm, $7 (incl. CD).
THURSDAY (15 may)
There are quite a lot of good things on tonight. Ah, Toronto. I'm pretty sure I'll be at the Drake. Now that the snow's gone, if you've got a bike, you can show-hop without too much difficulty or expense.
The Midway State, The Wisk, and Morgan (Birds of Wales) @ Supermarket, 9pm, free.
* The Primordials, The Lengendary Dirtbikers, and The People of Canada @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, pwyc.
Avi Granite and Lina Allemano @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
Musical Improv w/ Mary Margaret O'Hara, Aidan Closs, and Larry Potter @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
Lily Frost w/ Paul Linklatrer, and My Divine Light @ Tranzac (Main Hall), 8pm.
SoulSTir w/ Undadogg and Dame @ Clinton's, 9pm, $5.
River Pilots w/ tba @ The Central, 8pm, $6.
B.A. Johnston, Jeff Peers, Vincat, and Salarymen @ The Boat, 9pm, $5. B.A. is a guy you (and I) should see/hear/experience. And I will, another time.
City Roots presents Jon Brooks, Levi Weaver, Erika Werry, and Howard Gladstone @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 9pm, $5.
Integer and Bedroom Biography @ Clinton's, 9pm, $8.
Indie Can Radio Birthday Bash feat. The Joys, Dearly Beloved, Sam Hell, Sarah Burton, and Andre Skinner @ Tattoo Rock Parlour, 9pm, $8. Proceed to the Missing Children's Society of Canada. Who's been to this venue? Thoughts?
The Dull-Eyed Llamas, Clock Strikes Music, and Whitey @ Smiling Buddha, 9pm, $tba.
* No Shame presents Old Man Luedecke (CD release) w/ The Weather Station and Nils Edenloff (The RAA) @ The Drake Underground, 9pm, $5. So excellent.
Black Collar Thursdays feat. The Death Of Me and The Vicious Guns w/ DJ Stu Dead of Playdead @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
TWM presents DCT, The Speaking Tongues, Brides, and Tin @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $6. Rancho's my favourite indie music venue these days.
Static Lab (CD release) w/ Ground Level and Rise for Order @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $5 (or $10 incl. CD).
Lymbyc Systym, The Unionist Ministers, Hooded Fang, and Whale Tooth @ Silver Dollar, $8.
Treasure Fingers and Kill the Noise w/ DJ Vaneska @ Wrongbar, 10pm, $8 (before midnight).
Alternative Rock N Roll feat tba @ 11:40, tba @ 10:50, Joel Lightman Band @ 10:00, and Pure Finesse @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, 8:30pm, $5.
Pavlov's Dogs Orchestra @ The Gladstone, 8pm, $10 (or $15 w/ CD).
FRIDAY (16 may)
I'm recommending some different (for me) bands and venues tonight. Other good bets include the fundraiser event at the Bovine, and what's happening at Silver Dollar and Rancho Relaxo. Maybe I'll go to the Boat.
The Foolish Things @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 5pm, free.
Ronley Teper's Lipliners @ Gladstone Hotel (Melody Bar), 7pm, free.
Goodtime and The Ory No'man Too @ Not My Dog, 8pm, pwyc.
Brooke Harris and Dave Mansell @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, pwyc.
Mike Butlin @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
The Ryan Driver Quartet @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
The Heard (acoustic) w/ Adi @ Black Swan, 8:30pm, $6 (or $4 w/ non-perishable food item).
* Dinosaur Bones (EP release) w/ Great Bloomers and Still Life Still w/ DJs MishMosh and Dick Nasty @ The Boat, 9pm, $8 (including EP).
Pan Out Now, Ill of Day, and Moore @ Clinton's, 8pm.
Wendy Leung (CD release) w/ Ex~po and Carnival Moon @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 10pm.
Church & State (CD release), Jewish Legend, and The Fabulous Baird Brothers w/ DJs Tara White and Trial & Error @ Silver Dollar, 9pm, $7 (or $15 w/ CD).
TWM presents The Torcus, Pavlov’s Dogs Orchestra, Locusts Have No King, and La Casa Muerte @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $7.
In Support of Living and Picturesound @ The Drake Underground, 8pm (early show), $5.
Shearing Pinx, The Dead Are Those Who Have Died, Cave Dudes, and tba @ Renaissance Cafe, 9pm, $6.
* Ketch Harbour Wolves (CD release), The Framework, and The Rest @ El Mocambo (First Floor), 9pm.
Cold Dead Hands and Tenth Planet w/ DJ sets by the Darth Virgos AL911 & Billy Geek @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5. This is a benefit show for the Canadian Cancer Society. Good bands, if you want rock music. Should be a cool event, at a neat little spot.
Alternative Reggae Rock n Roll feat. Bobby Dreadfull @ 12:30, Playmaker @ 11:30, The Groopies @ 10:30, and Touch Me Airborne Plague @ 9:30. The Horseshoe Tavern, $8.
* PunchClock Showcase II feat. Anagram, Nif-D, and $100 @ WhipperSnapper Gallery, 9pm, $5-$15.
Everlea, Aberdeen, and Melodious Drones @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm.
SATURDAY (17 may)
Bill Colgate et al. @ The Dominion on Queen, 4pm, pwyc.
Jadea Kelly @ The Central, 9:30pm, $6.
Tres Bien Ensemble and Magna Cum Loud @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, pwyc.
base war // 06 feat. Put the Rifle Down, Egyptrixx, John Caffery, Justin Tyce, and Errol @ Club Z (812 Dundas St. W), 10pm, $7.
F. Scott & the Ashbury Band w/ Morning Electric @ Silver Dollar, 9pm, $7.
Red Elite and Sojourn w/ DJ Vania @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
Local Alternative Rock feat. My Shaky Jane @ 12:30, The Ryde @ 11:30, Bella Clava @ 10:30, and Ashley @ 9:30. The Horseshoe Tavern, $6.
Capital Grass & the No Men and Lucas Stagg @ C'est What, 10pm, $6.
Soup Kitchen Charity Show feat. Sycho Logic, Black Cat Attack, Liar And a Thief, and Meggi Faye Band @ El Mocambo (First Floor), 8pm, $6 (or $5 w/ canned food).
Two Hours Traffic, We Are The Take, and Mardeen @ Lee's Palace, 9pm, $8.50.
LIVESTOCK fundraiser for the Farm Sanctuary feat Harmony Trowbridge, Alex Lukashevsky, Lisa Bozikovic, In Support of Living, Arctic, and tba @ The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 6pm, pwyc ($10 sugg). See http://www.farmsanctuary.org/.
PunchClock Showcase II feat. The Phonemes, Bob Wiseman, Richard Laviolette, and Calvados @ WhipperSnapper Gallery, 8pm, $5-$15.
Dopplehertz presents Dandi Wind (release party) w/ DJ set by Woodhands and DJs Nasty Nav and Dopplehertz @ Wrongbar, 10pm, $10.
SUNDAY (18 may)
I think the Monday's a holiday (right?), so you can party hard Sunday night.
Lazy Sunday Matinee w/ Jake Chisholm @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 2:30pm, pwyc.
Mardeen and Mercy the Sexton @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, pwyc.
* Gather Round feat. d'UTERVIL, Hamilton Trading Co, and David Simard @ The Boat, 9pm, pwyc.
* Wavelength 413 feat. The Winks, Secret Mommy, and The Cleef w/ DJ Perfect Sound Forever @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, pwyc.
The Nihlist Spasm Band and Sun Plexus 2 @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10:30pm, pwyc.
Healing Power feat. Bloodhoney @ Tranzac (Tiki Room), 11pm.
* Boxes & Bags 1-Year Anniversary hosted by The People of Canada feat. Boxes & Bags w/ Skullians, Alphabot!, Still Life Still, and Oscar Brown @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $5. Help them celebrate!
Hotboxxx presents These Silent Waves @ 11:15, Second Pass @ 10:30, The Falling Trees @ 10:00, All But Over @ 9:15, and Black Cat Attack @ 8:30. Lee's Palace, $5.
Barf, Pigeons!; Latino Health Crisis; and Vapid @ The Press Club, 9pm, pwyc.
Bonde Do Role and Deathset w/ DJ Gorky (Bonde Do Role), Rory Them Finest, and A.D/D. @ The Social, 10pm, $10.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Since I worked, I got to go out (guilt-free).
Hey, guess what?! I've been working on my dissertation! Crazy, I know. The chapter is closer to being done than it was before. Since I was so good yesterday---I even skipped a picnic lunch with historians because I was working---I didn't feel bad about going out last night. Went to a birthday party, then off to Rancho Relaxo for day 2 of the TWM anniversary fest. I caught some of the opening act, then had a great time listening to Amos the Transparent, Fox Jaws, and Beth in Battle Mode. The latter two I hadn't yet seen before, and I'm glad I stuck around to catch them both. I especially liked BIBM, though maybe that's just 'cause they played last. It was a really good lineup. And it was nice to see the regular crew out, plus others, including this guy and this guy and this guy. I look forward to the photos!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
And so it goes.
So Tuesday was a bust, dissertation-wise, and so too was Wednesday. I had a brief meeting on campus, then ran errands and came home, then read the internet for an hour, then ate, then went back to school to invigilate an exam. By the time I got home it was nearly 11pm. This is how life goes some days.
I've been doing some thinking about various things both trivial and not, but am not coming to any conclusions. Maybe inspiration will hit me soon.
I may have finally severed my relationship with Massey: Today I turned in my gate key and picked up my yearbook. And there's no reason I can think of to go back there. Hey, that was a conclusion. Ok, so maybe it's just that there's only room in my life for one conclusion a day.
What will tomorrow bring?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Recap of things.
I was barely in town last week. Just long enough to waste time not doing my dissertation and go to the Woodhands show on Thursday after a nice dinner at MB's with JH. The show at Sneaks started off pretty sparse. We got there maybe 10:20pm, and Skeleton Me was already playing. He's so cute, that guy. And I got to talk with him later on, and he seemed super nice too. If I was 10 years younger . . . haha. Over the course of the evening I had quick "hello's" to say to a lot of people. I felt badly about not having a chance to really chat much with anyone, but such is life when there's a Woodhands show on: there will be lots of people I know there.
On Friday I packed up for a weekend in San Francisco with the Californian. We had a fun time walking around and eating and shopping. I bought a couple second-hand clothing items. One of them I absolutely love, but am not sure when I'll get a chance to bust it out. I'll have a post a photo because it's quite ridiculous. Think really ugly 80s sweater that is AWESOME and plastic-sequined. I also bought a belt to match the one KH wears. (MB and I had decided we both needed to do that.)
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Indie Music 34.
Like this list? Join my Google Group to get my weekly Toronto indie music listings.
Hi everyone. I was out of town Friday-Monday, hence the late listings. I only caught one local show last week: Woodhands et al. at Sneaks on Thursday. My oh my.
This week I'm looking forward to Dan Wolovick's Two Way Monologues's 1-year anniversary fest, happening Thursday through Saturday at Rancho Relaxo. All shows are $7 (or $10 if you want the compilation CD), and each features 4 bands. They should all be good shows. I plan on going to at least two of them. There are two chances to see The Priddle Concern this week, the new project from that guy from Treble Charger. And Aimee Mann is doing an in-store performance at Sonic Boom. She won't be back in Toronto until August. As usual, there are too many good things happening this weekend. I'll be show-hopping and missing out for sure.
TUESDAY (6 may)
Michael Holt w/ Tanya Philipovich & Lucas Stagg @ Graffiti's, 9:30pm.
Blues Fire @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
The Edge 102.1 Dave Bookman's Nu Music Nite feat. Norglen @ 11:40, Guests @ 10:50, The Priddle Concern (CD release) @ 10:00, and Medallions @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, free.
Great Aunt Ida and Annelise Norohna @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
The Creaking Tree String Quartet @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm.
Pink and Black presents The Diabollocks @ The Bovine, 9pm, free.
Faith of a Martyr, Elissa Mielke, Astha, and Jay Spectre @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $7. This is a charity event.
Pitter Patter Nights presents The Yage Letters and Thee 9am Social @ The Boat, 9pm, $5. I think this will be a good show.
GoodSoundsGood presents Melissa Bathory, Dylan Murray, and Oliver Pigott @ Supermarket, 9pm, $6.
Still Soul, Kristin Laggasse, Darrelle London, Trick of Disaster, and Sean @ Smiling Buddha, 8pm, free.
Lisa Marie Kruchak @Graffiti's, 8pm.
Chris Warren & Band @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 7:30pm, pwyc.
Brane, Outspoken, and Atropheed @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $5.
Mothring and Marcel Aucoin @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
LAUGHstock presents District w/ Soul Rebel Sound, and The Erin Mills Trip @ Tiger Bar, 9pm, $5.
Pitter Patter Nights presents Isle Of Thieves, Cedar, and Lives of Many @ The Boat, 9pm, $5.
Ciara Adams w/ Decadent Rave @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 10pm, $10.
Pat Robitaille w/ Aaron Garner and Dan Roth @ Supermarket, 9pm, $10.
THURSDAY (8 may)
* TWMFest Day 1 feat. Key Witness, Five Blank Pages, Numbers & Figures, and The Eatons @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $7 (or $10 w/ CD). Sounds good to me.
Macro Fiesta w/ Brockway Biggs (AKA Pimp Tea) @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm, $5.
This Note presents Ken Reaume, Nordic Nomadic, and The Youngest @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 9pm, pwyc.
Local Alternative feat. See Spot Run @ 11:40, Three Star Seed @ 10:50, Claypine @ 10:00, and Exley @ 9:10. The Horseshoe Tavern, $4.
* Murderecords presents Pony Da Look (CD release) w/ Camouflage Nights and DJ Finkelstein @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $7 (or $12 w/ CD). Yipee! PDL is so strange and so awesome.
Picturesound presents Bye Bye Bad Man @ Tiger Bar, 9pm, $5.
Alexandra Ribera @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 9pm, $10.
Eiyn Sof w/ Naw and Double Suicide (Sandro Perri & Ryan Driver) @ The Central, 9pm, $5.
Sparks Music & Cool Planet Ent. present Vanderpark and SLAVE to the SQUAREwave @ Tattoo Rock Parlour, 9pm, $8.
Jay Spectre, aUTOBODIEs, Will The Circle, and tba @ Silver Dollar, 9pm.
Black Collar Thursdays feat. Our Father, Marr, and Breadfan w/ DJ Stu Dead of Playdead @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
Hatchetman, Surface To Sound, and Amanda Kaye @ Smiling Buddha, 9pm, $5.
Grüvoria with DJ David Dacks @ Supermarket, 8:30pm, $10.
FRIDAY (9 may)
* Aimee Mann (in-store) @ Sonic Boom, 6:30pm, free.
Bill Colgate and the Urbane Guerillas @ The Gladstone, 7pm, pwyc. These guys play every Saturday at the Dominion on Queen, 4-7pm. They are definitely worth checking out.
* TWMFest Day 2 feat. Beth in Battle Mode, Fox Jaws, Amos the Transparent, and The Coast Guard @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $7 (or $10 w/ CD). Excellent bands. I heart Amos.
Audio Blood Zine presents Hot Monogomy, Dance Electric, Secret Public, and Ages Of Men w/ DJs Liquide Air and Positive Spin @ The Silver Dollar, 9 pm, $5.
* The Maylee & Slippers Sweatshop Hop III w/ Gravity Wave @ Tiger Bar, 10 pm, $5. Workout/dance party.
Local Alternative feat. A Primitive Evoloution @ 12:30, Purr @ 11:30, Bernadette & The North @ 10:30, and The Heavy @ 9:30. The Horseshoe Tavern, $6.
Local Indie feat. Hamilton Trading Co. @ 12:30, Ethers @ 11:30, Spies @10:30, and Bare Teeth @ 9:30. Lee's Palace, $5. HTC at Lee's is something to see/hear. You gotta check them out.
The Mercy Now, Jerry Leger & the Situation, and The Papermakers @ Mitzi's Sister, 10pm.
The Foolish Things @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 5pm, free.
* Sandro Perri, Cry Rumble, and Lisa Bozikovic @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10:15pm, pwyc.
Rayna, Cormac Cleary, The City, Space is for Stars, and Sundy Detox @ Smiling Buddha, 9pm.
The Peter Elkas Band and Zeus @ The Rivoli, $8.
Rob Szabo w/ Dave Martel @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 10pm, $10.
Punch God presents Talixzen, Laf-O, Ghost Television, and m00nbASS @ The Concord Cafe, 10pm.
Unbelievers and Beyond the Fall w/ DJ sets by the Darth Virgos AL911 & Billy Geek @ The Bovine, 9pm, $5.
Coliseum, Victims, Trashtalk, and Crossroad @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, $10.
SATURDAY (10 may)
Teenage X and The Weirdies @ Trash Palace (89B Niagara St. at Bathurst), 3pm.
The Priddle Concern (in-store) @ Soundscapes, 5pm, free.
* No Shame presents The D'Urbervilles, The Details, and Sleepless Nights @ The Drake Underground, 7:30pm (early show), $5. This is where I'll start my evening.
* TWMFest Day 3 feat. Tin Bangs, The Schomberg Fair, Mark Berube & The Patriotic Few, and The Cheap Speakers @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $7 (or $10 w/ CD). This is a great lineup. I will be here with my dancing shoes on.
The Maevens, Adam Faux, and tba @ Mitzi's Sister, 9pm.
Simeon Ross (Infighter) w/ Craig Smith, Katelyn Dawn, and David Porteous @ C'est What, 10pm, free.
The United Steel Workers of Montreal w/ Ryan Shearing & the Ghost of Belle Star, and Canteen Knockout @ The Dakota Tavern, 9:30pm, $5.
Nina Nielsen, Kat Burns (Forest City Lovers), and Gavin Gardner (The Wooden Sky) @ Tranzac (Tiki Room), 9:30pm, pwyc.
The Weather Station w/ Audrey Brankley @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10pm, pwyc.
Les Kilt w/ Flying Eyes @ Tranzac (Main Hall), 9pm, $5.
Johnny Went Under (CD release) w/ First Person Shooter and ADA @ The Blue Moon, $7.
Jah Cutta @ The Rivoli, 8pm.
The Wilderness @ The Cameron House (Back Room), 10pm, $tba. This is the start of their residency at the CH.
The Son Roberts Band w/ The Steve Strongman Band @ Silver Dollar, 9:30pm, $10.
Bombing Neverland and Beautiful Nothing w/ DJ Vania @ The Bovine, 9pm, $7.
Chinese Food, Everything All the Time, and Cancel Winter @ El Mocambo (First Floor), 9pm, $7.
Elastocitizens w/ The Heavy @ Lee's Palace, 9pm, $10.
SUNDAY (11 may)
Lazy Sunday Matinee w/ Olenka @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 2:30pm, pwyc.
Gather Round feat. Idle Tigers w/ Hamilton Trading Co. @ The Boat, 9pm, pwyc. I went to one of these a couple Sunday's ago, and had a wonderful time.
Wavelength 412 feat. The Guest Bedroom, We Versus The Shark, and Orn w/ DJ Stephanie Michelle @ Sneaky Dee's, 9pm, pwyc.
Michael Louis Johnson @ Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), 10:30pm, pwyc.
The Nymphets w/ Tropics and The Sour Notes @ Rancho Relaxo, 9pm, $5.