Friday, November 23, 2007

No Shame. Wow.

I did some stuff school-related yesterday. And then went to dinner with my FN and my favourite Toronto couple (AG and JC, yes!) to this great sushi restaurant in Yorkville, called Asuka. That was really loads of fun. That, plus good tutorials and a good lunch and chat with a fellow history grad student earlier in the day, and I could have chalked it up to an awesome day in the life of Jen.

But then I went to No Shame, and wow. I've mentioned this Thursday night indie show at Tiger Bar before on this blog. I just love it. I went last night because We're Scared was playing, as well as a band Lauren told me she was excited about seeing: Harvee. When I arrived at the College St. Diner, though, I saw on the sign that the first two acts were playing, but Harvee had been replaced by something called Oh No Holy Fucking Forest Fires. What the? Clearly, Rajiv would be involved, but I didn't know what was up. Turns out snow kept Harvee away, and Rajiv (from Oh No Forest Fires) and Brad (from Holy Fuck) had agreed to fill in. Excellent!

First up was The Books Elusive, a rock duo with matching shirts. Good. Then We're Scared, who entertained with their friendly melodies and all around warmth and charm on stage. (This is me blogging about you, Paul, as you requested.) More and more people arrived during their set, so that there was lots of good energy in the audience. What's not to love about this pairing? I can't think of anything.

Between sets there were a bunch of great people to talk to. Half of LLIONS was there, as was Dan from Woodhands, and etc. But then Rajiv and Brad started playing and I don't think any of us were prepared for what was coming. The first two acts of the night were fairly disparate in style, and this last pairing continued this theme. But, oh my, what brilliance! I wish I knew much more about music so I could appreciate what we witnessed. It was just incredible. Rajiv (on bass and all kinds of equipment) and Brad on drums rocked out for a solid hour. No joke. I was exhausted by this point, but I couldn't not be up at the front for most of that hour. They played a few covers, including a Joel Plaskett song and Holy Fuck's Super Inuit. By the end, not many more than 10 of us were left, but it was worth staying.

After everyone cleared out I went to Sneaky Dee's with a few other people, and just generally had an excellent time. (I'd never hung out with these people off the dance floor before, or at all.) I was home by 3am. Which, actually, marked the 24 hour mark for how long I'd been awake that day (except for an hour nap in the afternoon).

Seriously: good day at school, amazing sushi dinner with excellent company, great show and hanging out with new friends at my two favourite College St. haunts. Wow.

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