Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Break time.

I'm taking a wee break from this blog while I concentrate on the lots of actual work I have to do. You can still find me occasionally over at Sticky Magazine. I like that project a lot, and feel I can contribute something worthwhile to it once in a while. I wish I had more time and energy, but oh well. Until later!


Mechanical Forest Sound said...

I don't know if I should take the "it's a break well deserved" angle or the "how can we be expected to figure things out for ourselves?" angle. Maybe I'll just blame time, for not being abundant enough.

Don't let your brain get too wrapped up in the "other stuff".

Natalia Buia said...

Woo, Sticky Mag!! :)

mr. tomas ubik said...

heartbreak. your concert calendar was the best in the city.

Paul said...

Nooo! Don't make my brain look up shows for itself!