Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hylozoists @ Soundscapes, 10 Feb.

Soundscapes was blogger central Tuesday evening for the Hylozoists in-store performance. Frank and Bob were there with their cameras, Paul filmed a few songs for Zunior TV, and even Mike showed up . . . albeit an hour late. Look for reviews and various kinds of film footage in the next few days. I, of course, did not bring my camera. But suffice to say that Hylozoists = love. Instrumental indie rock/classical! The play next in Toronto at the Mod Club on 21 Feb., opening for Jill Barber.

Here's the song from their latest release that's been making the rounds, and a bonus older track.

Download: The Hylozoists's "The Island of Seven Cities," L'Île de Sept Villes (2009).
Download: The Hylozoists's "Strait Is the Gate," La Fin Du Monde (2006).

The next Soundscapes in-store concert is Gentleman Reg on 24 Feb., 6pm. All shows are free and open to everyone. All these shows are great, relaxed, and happy, and you'll find yourself surrounded by, uh, us, and lots of local musicians. Yesterday's audience was composed of members of Key Witness, The Diableros, Hamilton Trading Co., Meligrove Band, Gentleman Reg, Sean MacDonald & the Astronauts, and others.

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